Terms of Use

Effective date: April 3, 2023

Terms of Business Agreement

Please read this document carefully. It sets out the terms upon which Sundays Insurance Pty Ltd(“we”, “us”, “our”, “Sundays Insurance” or “Velosure”) agrees to provide insurance services to you and contains details of our regulatory and statutory responsibilities. Please contact us immediately if there is anything in these Terms of Business that you do not understand.

This insurance is issued by The Hollard Insurance Company Pty Ltd AFSL No. 241 436. Velosure PtyLtd (AR No. 410026) trading as Sundays Insurance, is an Authorised Representative of Hollard and isthe administrator and distributor of the policy.

Hollard is a proud signatory of the General Insurance Code of Practice (Code). The Code outlines the standards that insurers need to deliver. It lets you know what you should expect from your insurance company. Hollard, Sundays Insurance and Velosure operate in accordance with the Code requirements. The full General Insurance Code of Practice can be viewed online athttp://codeofpractice.com.au